Sometimes you get stuck in a rut. When you first start photography, usually you don't know the rules and you just create but it's frustrating because you can't make your vision a reality. So you keep pushing yourself to get better and better. You learn the rules. And then after a little bit, you find yourself forgetting how to create because you're stuck in those rules, and losing the magic that makes an image something you love. I've been working on learning both new technical techniques but also embracing imperfections, embracing darkness in an image, and finding my own voice in my work.
In an effort to push myself this year into creating new works of art and learning new things I've joined with a group of photographers all over the country and even a few out of the US to create at least one image a month, and every month has a theme. This month is Resolve.
Don't let fear stop you
Resolve to not only reach for the stars
but to capture them
While I wasn't quite able to capture exactly what I'd envisioned it's way closer than I would have been able to do even 6 months ago.
What do you do when you're stuck in a rut? How do you resolve to change?